Total is very skewed on Instagram: impression and views are somehow double counting as they are related. But I wanted to value the click-through behaviour so I added them both. In this dimension Federico in English is the winner
IG likes already show a different story. Robby and Jason here still win the hearts.
YouTube Views 1 – Jason Polakow: 109 2 – Robby Naish: 86 3 – Levi Siver 2: 34 4 – Kai Lenny: 34
The different story becomes more obvious on YouTube that relies mostly on organic traffic as I have not yet grown a large proprietary iSurf costomer base there – only 26 subscribers so far. Jason is the most visually appealing athlete and Robby number 2. Then Levi and fourth.
It takes a couple of days to stabilise IG results: the later posts will show up in the rankings slowly.YouTube can grow forever and we’ll have to give it at least a week since last post to stabilise.Interviews are posted on iSurf YouTube and IGTV channels and reposted to Of course it helps Federico’s placement that isurf has an .it extension. But Federico is also very active on social media, and that helps a lot too.
Today we have the return to action of a timeless champion. I have to be honest I didn’t recognise him and I had to ask coach Ferdinando Loffreda who rightly made fun of me. I couldn’t recognise him even after zooming in the picture because he truly looks 20 years younger. I want the same vitamins he takes. The famous vitamin sea! Jason is known for 2 things. He never goes below 10 feet hawaiian and always complains that conditions are not up to par. In this, he resembles closely Roman surfers, who, however, have slightly more reasons to complain 😁.
It was Ferdinando himself who shook him off his armchair, promising him that between him and the Schettewi team – there are 3 Schettewis brothers, Max 18, Jake 17 and Zach or simply Z 14 – they would have guaranteed him some good waves. In return, he promised not to complain. It seems to have all worked well, because now Ladies and Gents I leave you to the attention of His Royal Highness Jason Polakow, exploiting to the fullest his own backyard. An infinite talent. Photo by Jimmie Hepp obviously. PS: no I say Jason could have been missing from the 👑 repertoire of iSurf’s favorite athletes? 😉
2020 Emperor of the Roman Waves: se la aggiudica Raimondo per 230 a 162. Diversi colpi di scena nella giornata di ieri, con Raimondo, sempre molto attivo sui social, che staccava subito Andrea. Un appello urbis et orbis di Andrea riportava la situazione in suo vantaggio. Poi cosa è successo dopo ad opera di Raimondo, la volpe di Roma Ovest, ma il risultato è certo. Raimondo è quindi il new Emperor: le impression invece sono 1075 a 892, sempre per Ray.
Molto bello il seguito social della campagna e i due schieramenti che si sono creati. Raimondo e Andrea sono veramente Roma e Lazio. Dovrei lasciare l’ordine cosi, ma il fato volle che debba invertire, perché Raimondo è della Lazie – con buona pace di Matteo Petricone che veglia dall’Australia sulla Roma, mentre Andrea è lupacchiotto. Tanti anche i surfisti e fan dei due campioni che hanno votato per entrambi. Ma la cosa più bella è che si sono votati l’uno per l’altro. Certo, uno dei due ha fatto più fatica, ma alla fine c’è riuscito 😂. Giustamente Ray nella giornata di ieri ha fatto presente che mancava un premio. Cosi la solerte redazione iSurf ha sviluppato un prodotto dedicato grazie alla collaborazione con una grande designer italiana (piccola, per verità, ma vabbè).
Emperor Sweetie
Prince Tshirt
Champion Line Griffe
Congratulazioni ai nostri due campioni romani e a presto sul picco per nuove avventure. 2020 Emperor of the Roman Waves.
Ho avuto la buona sorte di fotografare i nostri due atleti di punta romani mentre facevano il loro nelle condizioni più belle che Roma possa offrire. Parliamo di Raimondo Gasperini e Andrea Rosati. Due personaggi molto diversi, uno dei due molto divisivo, ma entrambi accomunati da una grande passione. Ho pensato – senza entrare nel merito dei due uomini-serfisti che conoscete altrettanto bene se non meglio di me – di fare un gioco. Una Invitational iSurf a batteria secca tra loro due, per decretare l’Autumn Roman King of the Waves. Le foto che ho scelto sono queste due.
Raimondo off the Lip
Per Raimondo l’off the lip alla Punta di Domenica 10-10-2020
Per Andrea invece l’aerial a Latina il 07-10-2020
Andrea Rosati Aerial Laakipa 07-10-2020
Le regole della competizione sono molto semplici. Le foto sono pubblicate sul profilo Instagram La foto con più like vince. A parità di like contano le impression. Se poi tutto questo non basta e volete rimarcare la vicinanza al vostro beniamino, c’è anche una survey a risposta secca. Risultati pubblicati tra due giorni.
Ok this picture deserves raccontino, a little story Today we were supposed to get a hard earned day off from the wind.Yesterday I shot all my bullets (Italian figurative way of saying) since we were supposed to get three days without wind.I checked with Giampaolo Cammarota on his blog were to go surf – SSN was giving massive 3-7+ at hookipa. But Giampaolo gives you bouy readings and webcams, and the new swell wasnt supposed to kick in until later in the day, so I decided to give a shot to hookipa.When I got there quote early for my standards I found hookipa surfwise as good as it gets: 1-3 and glassy.I felt so confident that I mounted my gopro on the board. A thing you don’t do on bigger days if you care about your camera.I had a nice session an possibly something will come out of that cam. I’ve had a few wave. Nothing worth mentioning as there were 20 people out, spread between Green Trees and H’Poko, and more farther towards Pavillion.
What it looks like underwater
A lot by hookipa standard. A friendly chap from southern california local of Topanga, a place I surfed too a couple of times while living in LA, a boy who must have been no older than 13/14 came by and with a grown up grim told me “these people are complaining it’s busy. This is not busy. They have no idea” Well I remember a day at Rincon on a very large north swell – a day that would see most of SoCal maxed out – entering Rincon and working all the way up from being the last one in to taking the top spot on the main peak. I did that not do that of the intention to actually surf, but simply to reduce the number of wave that I’d be getting on the head. That day in that spot I counted hundreds, literally hundreds of surfers.
The wait game
Going back to my session I got up on a few waves with my favourite technique: sitting in the inside with the kids and taking advantage of the leftovers of the other surfers. Of course this strategy comes at expense: you will get all the incoming large sets on the head. if you are sitting deep inside that is the deal.
The fatigue of going out: you can see surfing is more social than expected
The business was worth a few take offs, followed by very short runs. I still don’t have the speed to stand in the right spot on the board, so I tend to loose the wave that eventually closes out on me. But I am improving.
One of take offs
As I ended my session with my third wave, I got out and it was obvious that the wind was picking up. Windguru had sown a dead north shore, but I was on the hill trying to read my book and it was impossible. After half an hour with perfectly glassy conditions the first guy is out. I decide to go back home and get my gear. Rule of thumb for hookipa: always have your gear in the car, you never know the magics of the North Shore. As I got home I relaxed had a coffee connected with friends back at home and .. an hour wen by. By the time I was back on spot I could see a lot of action (check Jimmie Hepp album from the 04-05-2019 to judge for yourself
In the water the likes of Browzino, Jaeger Stone, Thomas Traversa. As I was almost rigged, they started to come out. The conditions had become too light even for them. I decide to go in anyways. After 20 minutes to get to the point with 10 knots maybe less of wind I decide to make it back in possibily on a wave. This was the result
The drop: mind you there is close to zero wind. You see that from the crest braking and not being blown at allClose upWave is over
If you want to check out the pow video from the boom – you can see the cam in the close up picture
You can see from the video that there are two top turns that have not come out in picture
If you want to check out the full quick edit of the session, you can find on Vimeo iSurf video channel Enjoy and keep the stoke alive!
Dice Luca!, qual’è la tua prima associazione libera con le Hawaii?
Aloha Classic 2016
La magia di un arcobaleno?
Honolua Bay
Il misticismo di un tramonto ad Honolua Bay dopo una session con dimensione umana?
Jaws Peahi challenge 2016
Le incredibili onde di Jaws?
Ho’okipa 2019
Le incredibili condizioni perfette di Hookipa?
No signore. Nulla di tutto questo. La verità è piuttosto questa:
F***ing dish washing. Dentro la mia testa ogni volta che penso Hawaii penso ai piatti che avrò da lavare. Migliaia di piatti. Decine di migliaia. Ma dico? Sto paese che sostiene di essere arrivato sulla Luna – uno dei più grandi cover up della storia dell’uomo, secondo solo alle torri gemelle – possibile mai che si perde sui piatti? Nel 2016 ero cosi disperato che ho pensato, mentre cercavo business opportunities, mo torno qua e distribuisco Electrolux. Quando questi scoprono quanto è comodo faccio miliardi. Poi però quest’anno si è delineata parlando con Sergio una realtà meno poetica. Le lavatrici per dindirindina ci stanno. Solo non ci stanno nei posti che affitto io. Voglio dire non ci sono mai state. Manco una volta. Manco per sbaglio. Ma dico io! Come diceva il conte! Mai un proprietario che gli venisse in mente, ok questa non è una luxury accomodation, ma a sto poraccio de Roma mo je faccio un regalo e je faccio trova na lavastoviglie. Niente! Invece arrivo qui e mi trasformo nel piccolo cenerentolo. Lavo, stiro, ammiro, cucino, faccio la spesa. Se mi vedesse mia moglie – e fortunatamente queste cose le faccio solo di nascosto – penserebbe “Luca, esci immediatamente da questo corpo che è posseduto!!”
Beh, boyz and girls, posso aggiungere: che cosa non abbiamo fatto nella vita per il dio del surf! Le seghe a scuola, le bugie in ufficio, i pranzi di famiglia bucati nelle festività comandate. Ma ora la risposta migliore ce l’ho.
I piatti! Sissignore. Abbiamo fatto pure quelli. I piatti.
Aloha ? ♥️ and have a great day ?night ?depending where you live.
As hookipa was slightly beyond my ability I decided to go check the west side and a some good south swell forecasts I had seen in the morning, calling 2-3, when it is normally 1-2.
Slightly over double overhead
First stop on the west side is my favourite McDonald in the world. Why it’s my favourite? Because .. it’s got the best flags! McD+US+Hawaii.
MacDonaldA super cool US truckInside an hawaiian MacMcDonald = predictability
After refueling, I continued towards one of the most beautiful spots on the island, and not just for the conditions: Honolua Bay
Getting thereView from the side Reassuring sign of human presenceThe break: looking inconsistentThe beautiful beach to get out
On the way back, trying to surf the south swell, I stopped at another favourite of mine: Laniupoko
This is a nice park offering grass, palm shade, a nice beach, an enclosed little beach for kids and a decent south swell exposure.
Laniupoko – on the road to LahainaLaniupoko peaceAuthor enjoying a busy hawaiian afternoonMore sleeping under the palm treesNice protected little beach and finger
After some rest and having checked the minimal surf I headed back home. Drove through Ho’okipa to find it fully packed by the after work brigade.
First thing first. I am trying a custom board to complement my pyramid 92. Found this beauty at Quatro, one of Levi’s boards. Volume aft and thin tail. Tried it today in marginal conditions and rides like heaven. Snappy turns when needed and longer carves rail stuck in the water if that is your game.This is what it’s like to ride naked in Hawaii. Who needs board and sail bags anyways?The most loved sailor of all times is back on the water after sometime. It was great to meet and greet him. He was always here with Brian Talma when I first got here in 1999. He explained me – on my request – how to land a back loop. A backie he told me it’s not a rotation, rather a jump and a drop. Unfortunately Josh the advice was inpeccable. It’s implantation in the last few years less so.Lead Aloha Classic commentator and Simmer Sails team manager talking to the reigning queen of hookipa Sara Houser Jimmie’s weaponWind’s unfortunately turning soft. The odds of a surfing break from windsurfing are increasing
I have the feeling that many of those who follow iSurf might share the same lifelong passion that has animated this brand since its inception.
We have probably all lived or still live through the dream of chasing waves in the far corners of planet.
But what it’s like to actually live in Hawaii, provided that Hawaii is one of those places where surf happens for real?
Let roll back a little and see how it goes. I first came to Maui in 1999 to satisfy my thirst for waves and to live windsurfing at its fullest. Mind you these were still the good old days, not the peak, but still good enough. Money was pouring in and the sport was awash.
I found the experience excruciating.
My first time at ho’okipa was intimidating. Got here at the beginning of September to be blessed with the first proper winter swell and very light winds. I still remember Josh Stone’s younger brother going out in the little to no wind and pulling out a sick one hand aerial. I definitely have the picture somewhere and will look for it.
Next day, when the swell went down to 5-7 and the wind picked up it was nuclear.
All of the sudden I found myself inside one of those windsurfing videos I had long consumed as a boy. Most of the world cup was there: Bringdal, Stone, Naish, the Prichards. It was intimidating. I started rigging the sails I brought over (wild winds they would be blown to ballon size when it was strong and ho’okipa in Septmber is strong on a sportex mast, a nice 2/3 kg of epoxy resin). Then realised it was probably beyond my ability. Probably, mostly a psycological barrier. So I drove to Sprecks (it took me another 10 years to find out about kanaha) and stayed in Sprecks for most of the swell. It was terrible. Side on and most like my home spot at the time – Ostia – when it blows westerly – on-side-on with rough sea. Is this why I came to hawaii, I was asking myself all the time? Every morning I would drive to hookipa, check it out and proceed. Then one day something clicked, the swell was down to windswell probably. I got in. I survided and actually had fun. It was the first taste of the power of that wave, that has very little comparison elsewhere. I never ever changed spot and got all subsequent swells. I was a lot into jumping at the time and in three weeks I evolved my cheese roll into a proper quite high forward. I’ve always like jumps.
It took me several years to get back and the reason why is one to mentioned. I had found Hawaii too expensive, overcrowded sand overdeveloped for my taste for nature. I remember having to wait minutes just to get onto hana highway from the Stones’ property I was leasing. So I moved the next ten years the center of my attention to Mauritius. I spent every summer (austral winter) there, at least a month.
But after a few years around 2004 I think when my Mru swing was full still full on, out of thin air, this guy from hawaii – Dan Rayburn, a photographer – sends me a mail on the website. He says he’s been trying to sell Jaws shots to magazines, hadn’t managed to and had decided to make me happy. I told him my site was not making any money – it never has so far – and I had nothing to pay him with. He said he liked the vibe of the site and the fact that it was an “underdog” and we published. It was a hit! At the time Jaws was really new and having those images a rarity. Online even more.
Roll another few years to 2010 and there I am booked for a conference in silicon valley on technology, my other passion. I send a mail to Dan and tell him I’m going to his hometown California. He suggests I hop over to Hawaii after the class. I hadn’t remotely even thought about. But of course the windsurfer in me goes into planning mode and after being offered accomodation and car the offer becomes too hard to turn down. It’s now a plan. I manage to secure an extra week vacation – my employer at the time considered a self financed class in technology in SV a “vacation” – and head to maui.
Dan is kind enough on a rainy early march morning to give me a tour of the north shore. I discover Kanaha with him and blame myself for not having asked the year I had been here. Next day it’s howling. Dan was still a good name in photography for the north shore at the time and offers to take picture. I was out of my mind. A session in paradise. The conditions. A dedicated semi-pro photographer. Memories I shall never forget: thanks to Dan.
I source all of my equipment at Quatro: they have me test different boards and sails and that is the moment Quatro/Goya sticks in my brain: it means from there on Maui and fun. Great associations for a brand.
Week goes by quickly. I retain some of my best windsurfing pictures ever from those sessions. I also remember that my heart too went off at a certain moment, I had been out the wind at died and had struggled quite a bit to get back. The it went back on full force and I was alone surfing big waves for almost half an hour … tbc
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