Year: 2020 (Page 2 of 2)

iSurf Emperor of the World Waves

The competition

Progress in the online competition for the most engaging interview realeased on isurf channels by a windsurfer or windsurfing personality

The way engagement is counted:
IG impressions, IGTV plays, IG likes, YouTube Plays > TotalRankings

Split by channel
IG Likes
You Tube Views

the Podium

At the moment the Podium, with the new entry Josh Angulo knocking off Robby Naish from second place:

1 – Federico Morisio: 1447
2 – Josh Angulo: 1370
3 – Jason Polakow: 1357
4 – Robby Naish: 1339

Total is very skewed on Instagram: impression and views are somehow double counting as they are related. But I wanted to value the click-through behaviour so I added them both. In this dimension Federico in English is the winner

1 – Robby Naish: 47
2 – Jason Polakow: 42
3 – Federico Morisio: 38
4 – Josh Angulo: 38

IG likes already show a different story. Robby and Jason here still win the hearts.

YouTube Views
1 – Jason Polakow: 109
2 – Robby Naish: 86
3 – Levi Siver 2: 34
4 – Kai Lenny: 34

The different story becomes more obvious on YouTube that relies mostly on organic traffic as I have not yet grown a large proprietary iSurf costomer base there – only 26 subscribers so far. Jason is the most visually appealing athlete and Robby number 2. Then Levi and fourth.

It takes a couple of days to stabilise IG results: the later posts will show up in the rankings slowly.YouTube can grow forever and we’ll have to give it at least a week since last post to stabilise.Interviews are posted on iSurf YouTube and IGTV channels and reposted to
Of course it helps Federico’s placement that isurf has an .it extension. But Federico is also very active on social media, and that helps a lot too.

The Prize!

The race is open!

The Aloha Classic 2016
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Jason back in action!

Today we have the return to action of a timeless champion.
I have to be honest I didn’t recognise him and I had to ask coach Ferdinando Loffreda who rightly made fun of me.
I couldn’t recognise him even after zooming in the picture because he truly looks 20 years younger.
I want the same vitamins he takes.
The famous vitamin sea!
Jason is known for 2 things.
He never goes below 10 feet hawaiian and always complains that conditions are not up to par. In this, he resembles closely Roman surfers, who, however, have slightly more reasons to complain 😁.

It was Ferdinando himself who shook him off his armchair, promising him that between him and the Schettewi team – there are 3 Schettewis brothers, Max 18, Jake 17 and Zach or simply Z 14 – they would have guaranteed him some good waves. In return, he promised not to complain.
It seems to have all worked well, because now Ladies and Gents I leave you to the attention of His Royal Highness Jason Polakow, exploiting to the fullest his own backyard.
An infinite talent. Photo by Jimmie Hepp obviously.
PS: no I say Jason could have been missing from the 👑 repertoire of iSurf’s favorite athletes? 😉

Jason on iSurfwear
Jason proudly displaying his limited edition t-shirt
Shop now iSurf limited edition 20 yrs celebration line

Jason on Red Bull Site
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2020 Emperor of the Roman Waves

2020 Emperor of the Roman Waves: se la aggiudica Raimondo per 230 a 162.
Diversi colpi di scena nella giornata di ieri, con Raimondo, sempre molto attivo sui social, che staccava subito Andrea. Un appello urbis et orbis di Andrea riportava la situazione in suo vantaggio. Poi cosa è successo dopo ad opera di Raimondo, la volpe di Roma Ovest, ma il risultato è certo.
Raimondo è quindi il new Emperor: le impression invece sono 1075 a 892, sempre per Ray.

Molto bello il seguito social della campagna e i due schieramenti che si sono creati. Raimondo e Andrea sono veramente Roma e Lazio. Dovrei lasciare l’ordine cosi, ma il fato volle che debba invertire, perché Raimondo è della Lazie – con buona pace di Matteo Petricone che veglia dall’Australia sulla Roma, mentre Andrea è lupacchiotto.
Tanti anche i surfisti e fan dei due campioni che hanno votato per entrambi. Ma la cosa più bella è che si sono votati l’uno per l’altro. Certo, uno dei due ha fatto più fatica, ma alla fine c’è riuscito 😂.
Giustamente Ray nella giornata di ieri ha fatto presente che mancava un premio. Cosi la solerte redazione iSurf ha sviluppato un prodotto dedicato grazie alla collaborazione con una grande designer italiana (piccola, per verità, ma vabbè).

Congratulazioni ai nostri due campioni romani e a presto sul picco per nuove avventure. 2020 Emperor of the Roman Waves.

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Derby romano windsurf

Ho avuto la buona sorte di fotografare i nostri due atleti di punta romani mentre facevano il loro nelle condizioni più belle che Roma possa offrire. Parliamo di Raimondo Gasperini e Andrea Rosati. Due personaggi molto diversi, uno dei due molto divisivo, ma entrambi accomunati da una grande passione.
Ho pensato – senza entrare nel merito dei due uomini-serfisti che conoscete altrettanto bene se non meglio di me – di fare un gioco. Una Invitational iSurf a batteria secca tra loro due, per decretare l’Autumn Roman King of the Waves.
Le foto che ho scelto sono queste due.

Raimondo Gasperini Off the Lip la Punta 10-10-2020
Raimondo off the Lip

Per Raimondo l’off the lip alla Punta di Domenica 10-10-2020

Per Andrea invece l’aerial a Latina il 07-10-2020

Andrea Rosati Aerial Laakipa
Andrea Rosati Aerial Laakipa 07-10-2020

Le regole della competizione sono molto semplici. Le foto sono pubblicate sul profilo Instagram
La foto con più like vince. A parità di like contano le impression.
Se poi tutto questo non basta e volete rimarcare la vicinanza al vostro beniamino, c’è anche una survey a risposta secca.
Risultati pubblicati tra due giorni.

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Wingfoiling Barbados

The fascination

Wingfoiling Barbados. By invitation, Barbados resident waterman Paolo Perucci writes on his latest flame: a fascination for wingfoiling. Paolo can help you sort out accommodation and surfing lessons, so make sure to check out his website.

My Fascination with wingfoiling and why there’s a pretty good chance that you will fall in love with it too. 

written by Paolo Perucci 

Far from being a blog to convince anybody to wingfoil, or wing thingy, or wing ding, or wingaling etc etc , I ‘d like to highlight a few (very good) points to explain why I, and it’s very personal, got into it and quickly addicted to this new sport. 

About Paolo

A bit of background info: I am a surfer , windsurfer, paddle boarder, kitesurfer. I have always been a fan of doing everything depending on what conditions require on the day. about 25 years ago it was a toss between rigging my windsurfing wave gear or just go surfing. so I continued to do both. This concept was new at the time (90’s) because, at least in Italy, very few people were skilled in more than one boardsport. But everyone knows that the best windsurfers coming out of Hawaii all have a strong surfing background. The concept of multi sport waterman became a lot more popular with Laird and recently, Lenny. So all of a sudden everyone does everything, or tries to. 

Paolo flying in Barbados

Truth is, the more you do the more you learn. I was always very much intrigued by the tight relationship between all the board sports, and how much more I could learn from applying skills I had learned in surfing to other wind sports like kiting or windsurfing. 

How he got started

I took up kiting a couple of years ago, while for 20 years my kiting friends had been trying to convince me to learn. I have for the last 2 decades been fortunate enough to live in Barbados, Caribbean, where almost any given day you can get in the water, especially if you are skilled at more than one board sport. It’s really about fun, and time in the water. Just like booking a tennis court or a T time, I can plan to hit the water at 4 pm on thursday, and be guaranteed I’ll be doing something , depending on conditions. 

The reasons why

So , that’s the first big reason I love the wing, and the foil:

1-One more option in the water, a damn good one, which is a lot of fun!!

Which brings me to my second reason:

2-It’s so much fun, hard to describe, the kind of excitement I can only remember feeling when I first learned to windsurf at age 12. 

It is so much fun it becomes addictive, so much so that for a good 6 months (windy for the most part in Barbados ) that’s all I did. 

3-it’s a workout, like no gym will ever offer you:

Yes good luck with that, learning if you’re unfit, you surely can but it involves a bit of pain. you WILL get fit, no doubt learning to wingfoil. 

4-marginal conditions become fun!

15 knots and some onshore chop? Epic wingfoiling. Blasting offshores and flat? Epic wingfoiling. Epic cross/off 25 kts and swell? well maybe I’d like to windsurf this day and then wingfoil later when the wind drops a bit!! But basically you can wing, and have fun, on a 15 knot day up to 30 kts and everything in between, swell or flat. so again, water time increases. 


Freedom from kite lines for example. Long kite lines affect your ability to launch from certain spots too dangerous to launch a kite. And you’re constantly attached to these lines which, for me, is not a very happy feeling. 

Freedom from equipment, because the wing is small and light, and depowers incredibly well even on strong days. It weighs nothing, compared to windsurfing gear. 

Paolo in transition

Wingfoiling Barbados is also freedom from CROWDS!! this is such a good thing, you can go anywhere really, away from known crowded surf spots and windsurf/kitesurf spots. In fact, you wouldn’t want to foil next to too many people because, I admit, you would not want to hit anybody or yourself with a foil at decent speed. I hate crowds, so this is definitely my thing. Outside reefs and remote locations, this is what I prefer, unless I just want to have a good time with my friends, occasionally. Barbados has huge potential, I have only just started to scratch the surface of where I can ride on a wing. So all of a sudden I am really looking forward to winter, once again I am excited at what I’ll discover! And this is true no matter where you live. 

eShop for Wingfoil
Shop the exclusive Wingfoil Line on iSurf’s shop

******** Once inside the shop, select the wingfoil collection (under “Topics”) to see all and only the wingfoil items **********

More reasons why


There has been nothing more exciting for me lately than to learn this wonderful sport, which is really two sports in one (you have to learn the wing and then the foil, I had never foiled before apart from a few windsurf foil runs). 

Learning has been so exciting, it really made me feel young again. Progression can be pretty quick too, so don’t buy a board to learn on, because you will want to get rid of that in a week or two and move on to something smaller. Same thing for the foil. 

Foiling adds an incredible new dimension to surfing. You’re still connected to the energy of the wave , but now you have to re-think what a wave is and start looking at the wave energy below the face of the wave. It is fascinating to learn how to control the lift of a foil. The feeling you get on a foil is hard to describe: you’re usually very fast and completely silent, there’s no water sounds, apart from maybe your foiling humming at high speeds. 

……and ultimately:

7-why the hell not?

There has to be a reason so many accomplished riders across all sports are falling in love with it, or do you think it’s a marketing Fad?

Wingfoiling Barbados: there is, in the end, only one way to find out, and that is by trying it, and decide for yourself. Good luck and please write some replies to this blog to let me know any questions you may have or if you would like me to talk about any other aspects regarding wingfoiling, i.e. how to learn, what gear to use, best conditions to start etc. 


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La neve è finita, andate in pace

Neve senza neve

Peccato. Più che altro perché al di la degli indubitabili cambiamenti climatici – la temperatura si è alzata di fatto peggio che nei peggiori scenari predittivi – finora in Appennino c’era andata bene. Anzi paradossalmente quasi meglio. Quasi. Quest’anno per esempio è mancata la botta di tramontana da 3gg e 0 gradi a Roma.
Vabbè ci si può rifare con il surf noAspetta un attimo.
Le stesse perturbazioni che portano la neve portano anche vento e onde. E allora? E allora maui no ka oi. Dove però ha fatto miglior inverno degli ultimi 20 anni, quindi la primavera è a forte rischio de cippa.
A Maui, daje, aridacce vento e onde..

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We just launched an online shop for iSurf branded merchandise.
It’s a great way to stay connected to the brand and its initiatives.
We are enjoying free shipping for 5 more days (until february 2nd) and a 30% launch discount.
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